moon journal


For the last five moon cycles I've been keeping a moon journal and having a great time with it. 

This is a surprise to me as journalling hasn't captured me before.

In fact I'm enjoying it so much that it actually feels fun and I'm learning about myself. It's helping me make hard decisions and uncover deep truths.

Somehow there are revelations at the end of each cycle that lead me gracefully into the next question or focus.

The concept is simple:

  • at the top of a page write, “Moon Journal”

  • under that write something you’d like to focus on for the moon cycle or a question you have that requires guidance

  • down the left side of the page write all the numbers of days from the start to the end of one moon cycle giving each number it’s own separate line

  • in the margin draw beside the corresponding numbers little reminders for when the new, full, first quarter and last quarter moons are

  • each day of the moon cycle write one sentence or jot note that corresponds to your focus or question, or something that comes to you that you’d like to write down

  • once the cycle is done write any learnings at the bottom and start a new page for the next moon cycle

This doesn’t need to be anything fancy. Use a lined piece of paper or a piece of copy paper if don’t already have a journal or day planner you use regularly. Mine looks like this:

If I forget to write a sentence one day I try to remember something from that day and fill it in later or just leave it blank.

Also, you don’t need to know anything about moon cycles to do this activity. The energy of the moon does all the work for you.


Ever the curious one, I wonder about your experience with this play practice! Won’t you ease my curiousity by sharing that which arises for you in the comments below.


sit and stare


one minute hug