meaningful work incubator

You’d like to put meaningful work into the world but something’s just not gelling,

this group is for you.

meaningful work is choir for the collective, harmonizing the depths of our individual passions into oneness.

~ Wendy Woods

the incubator

included extras

  • personal support from Wendy: Using Voxer (a voice messaging app), you can ask me for support throughout the week of the incubator. I will respond Monday to Friday from noon to 4pm.

  • become a community member: once you’ve completed a session with us, you’ll become a member of the meaningful work community chat on Voxer where you can give and receive virtual support to/from other kind souls. If it’s not for you, you can leave anytime.

  • in-person invite: If you’ve participated in a virtual incubator and it was a good fit, you’ll get an invitation to join a day-long in-person incubator at scribble studio.

your facilitator

That’s me, Wendy! I have a passion for people, nourishing food, the power of creativity, discovering deeper layers of myself, and putting meaningful work into the world. I’ve melded all these passions together to create this meaningful work incubator.

I’m a generalist when it comes to work. I have a business degree and excelled in sales at a large corporation right out of school. I quickly realized entrepreneurship was more my thing so that’s where I’ve focused my efforts since 2007. As an entrepreneur I get to wear all the hats and that suits me just fine! I’m just as happy completing my taxes as I am having a chat with a client or creating beautiful marketing materials.

I can teach myself almost anything (except DIY house renovations… it’s a thing). I’ve made websites for myself and others on multiple platforms, created viral blog posts and been featured by international media including the BBC.

I have a knack for melding the contrived world of business with universal flow. The answers to how to stitch these two together cohesively are within each of us individually. Making space to listen to that quiet voice inside is how I truly support you.

this community is for you if you:

  • feel pulled to create meaningful work that supports you, your community and the natural world and you’d like extra support

  • want your soul work to financially support you and your family (although if your intention is for unpaid soul work you are more than welcome here too)

  • feel lonely working on your own and a sense of community with like-minded souls would lift your spirits

  • someone supporting you for a change would fill your bucket so you could continue supporting others

  • believe in something bigger than yourself

you’ll want to look elsewhere if:

  • money-making is your driving purpose

  • you’re focused on getting yourself ahead with little thought to how your actions may ripple out

  • “It’s just business.” is a phrase you use to justify actions that may hurt others


  • I hope you will. This is my divine intention… to create a tight-knit community of kindred spirits who come to know each other well and are consistently there for one another. To celebrate soaring highs and to be there for the falls… each member ebbing and flowing in and out of the monthly gatherings as it works for them.

  • Absolutely! Being in the presence of others on the path may be just what you need to inspire you to yours. This community may offer the jolt of courage you need to take a small step forward.

  • The group size will vary from 2 to 9 people including me, the facilitator.

  • These session are held virtually via zoom.

  • We are co-creating a safe space as a group. If you can’t make it to a session you will be missed and the group will need to carryon without you.

    Unfortunately, it’s not possible to do a make-up session as the next group will make it’s own safe space and having one person randomly enter would disrupt that.

    You will continue to receive individual support from me so I encourage you to utilize that.

  • People… they can be so triggering, am-I-right?

    There’s no way for me to know how the dynamic of each group is going to develop.

    What I can say is that I do my best to make sure that the intentions of everyone attending are in alignment. This starts with a simple questionnaire to get to know each person, followed by a phone call to anyone who’s intentions I need to understand further.

    If I feel someone is better suited elsewhere I will refund their money before the group starts and point them in the direction of something better suited to their needs.

    Once the group starts it is set and there are no refunds.

    If you are having difficulties with someone during our time together, please come to me. There is plenty of juicy stuff to be worked through in most of these situations that can free us from the shackles we attach to ourselves.

Join the meaningful work incubator