a deep understanding that changes everything

Video Transcript-ish

I purchased the domain for grace in every moment in October 2015, over eight years ago. 

The name came to me like a bolt of lightening while I was sitting in the back of a cab driving past high park in toronto.

As the treetops flashed past in my peripheral I locked my eyes to my phone and purchased the domain.

I had no idea what I was going to do with it at the time, I just knew there was something special coming.

For years since then I’ve been following little clues toward the magic… taking steps toward things that tickled my curiousity.

I posted some poetry and life noticings… and when that didn’t feel aligned I erased it all.

I posted meal plans and meal plan videos… and when that didn’t feel aligned I erased it all too.

Most recently I’ve been posting play prompts and although they still feel aligned I had this feeling that some tweaking needed to happen. Something felt hilter kilter about what I was sharing, like a good idea out of focus.

As I followed these curiousities, I was only able to see the individual step directly in front of me. I was never able to see a full picture of where they headed. I was forced to trust in the unfolding.

It felt like I was walking in a maze, smashing face first into dead ends and never finding the center. It has felt incredibly frustrating and there have been many tears over the years.

More recently, things have started to get clearer.

I realized I haven’t been walking in a single maze but multiple labyrinths.

This is a subtle yet crucial distinction.

In a maze, there is one right path and many wrong paths. There is a destination one is trying to reach… a goal.

In a labyrinth there is only one path and it leads to the center. 

There is a sense of ease in this. There are no walls to bump into, or directions to choose, you just keep walking while trusting the center to appear when you’ve taken the steps needed.

In a labyrinth, once you’ve reached the center, there is only one way out… back the way you came.

It is like a breath.

Inhale. Exhale.

My journey with grace in every moment has been like the journey into a labyrinth.

Taking steps toward the center to realize once I got there that I needed to turn right back around and come out.

But the labyrinth I’m in now feels different. I can see the center clearly and there are so many things capturing my attention, this center feels like a place I can cozy into. I can build a structure for energy to funnel through this space.

I can feel you celebrating with me and wondering what does this mean for you?

Sunday letters are back. They’ll offer weekly encouragement for deep awareness in a playful way.

You’ll have opportunity to access Scribble Studio, my backyard art studio, for building deep connection within a community of like-minded souls (more on this soon).

And there will be opportunity to join me online for daily scribbling practise. These practises are shared to inspire you to regularly connect with your inner knowing through play. (More on this next week).

Thank-you with all my heart for sticking with me along this journey. Your support and love mean the world to me. I appreciate you so much.

See you next week! 


the amazing discoveries you'll make by scribbling in a new way

